Public Reporting

To learn more about your medical benefits or Medicare coverage, contact the number on the back of your insurance ID card or visit

To learn more about Trinity Health ACO:

Beneficiary Hotline:


Mailing address:

Trinity Health ACO 
20555 Victor Parkway 
Livonia, MI 48152

ACO Contact

Joey Bartman 
Senior Consultant Clinical Integration 

ACO Hours of Operation 
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT

Participants and Preferred Providers

Our ACO is made up of primary care providers and specialists. These providers have agreed to work together with us to coordinate care.

Participating Providers

List of Participating Providers


Preferred Providers and Facilities

Includes home health agencies and skilled nursing facilities/centers 

List of Preferred Providers and Facilities

List of Skilled Nursing Facilities

Note: Medicare fee for service beneficiaries have the freedom to seek the services and providers of their choice and are not limited to the providers listed above.

There are no joint ventures between Trinity Health ACO and any of its Participating Providers or Preferred Providers and Facilities.


Public Disclosure for the ACO Participation Waiver


Clinical and Administrative Leaders

Trinity Health Organizational Structure

Governing Body

Our ACO has a board of directors who oversee operations.

Trinity Health ACO Board

  1. Daniel J. Roth, M.D., President, Executive Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Trinity Health, Voting Member
  2. Shaun Raleigh, M.B.A., R.M.A., Affinia Health Network, Voting Member
  3. Emily Brower, Senior Vice President, Trinity Health, Non-Voting Member
  4. Christian Schafer, Secretary, Managing Counsel, Trinity Health, Non-Voting Member
  5. Regina Doxtader, C.P.A., Treasurer, Director of Finance, Unified Clinical Organization and Clinical Integration,Trinity Health, Non-Voting Member
  6. Ashish Parikh, M.D., Medical Director, Physician, Summit Medical Group, PA, Voting Member
  7. Ellyn Chin, Loyola University Medical Center, Voting Member
  8. Melanie Mayberry, M.D., Consumer Advocate, Voting Member
  9. Jamie Reedy, M.D., Summit Medical Group, PA, Voting Member
  10. Rick Saier, M.D., MHPP, Voting Member
  11. Keith Veselik, M.D., Loyola University Medical Center, Voting Member
  12. Daniel Wendorff, M.D., Mount Carmel Health Providers, Voting Member 
  13. Choonie Chadek, Medicare Beneficiary, Voting Member
  14. Lorraine Lutton, Mount Carmel Health Partners, Voting Member

Trinity Health ACO Committees and Leadership

Administrative Leaders
  1. ACO Executive: Emily Brower, Senior Vice President, Clinical Integration and Physician Services, Trinity Health
  2. Medical Director: Ashish Parikh, M.D., Internal Medicine, Summit Medical Group
Clinical Model
  1. Jaime Reedy, M.D., M.P.H., SVP, Population Health and Quality, Summit Medical Group
  2. Daniel J. Roth, M.D., Executive Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Trinity Health
Information Technology & Data Analytics
  1. Michael Paustian, Director, Population Health Analytics, Trinity Health
Finance and Compliance
  1. Regina Doxtader, C.P.A., Director, Finance, Trinity Health
  2. Dawn Geisert, SVP, Chief Compliance and Integrity Officer, Trinity Health
  3. Christian Schafer, Managing Counsel, Trinity Health


Proportion of Shared Savings

Performance Year Total Shared Savings/Losses (Shared Losses) Invested in Infrastructure, Redesigned Care Processes, and Other Resources Necessary to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Medicare Costs for Beneficiaries Distributed to Next Generation ACO Participants
1 - 2016 $6,529,274 74% 26%
2 - 2017 $8,484,309 100% 0%
3 - 2018 $22,408,485 88% 12%
4 - 2019 $24,384,123 80% 20%
5 - 2020 $23,112,358 80% 20%
6 - 2021 2021 To Be Posted in 2021

Quality Performance Results