
Rachel Nelson


Livonia, Mich., Sept. 19, 2022 – Trinity Health Integrated Care, a Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Enhanced Track Accountable Care Organization (ACO), has earned $18.8 in shared savings for performance year 2021. The ACO coordinated care for over 65,000 Medicare beneficiaries attaining a quality score of nearly 90%, saving Medicare $21.7M.

Trinity Health Integrated Care is one of very few renewing ACOs earning shared savings every year of participation. Since the ACO’s launch in 2017, Trinity Health Integrated Care has earned $84.9M and engaged thousands of providers in transforming care for their Medicare beneficiaries. For 2022, Trinity Health Integrated Care now coordinates care for 145,000 Medicare beneficiaries across nine states, including providers who were previously part of Trinity Health ACO, a successful ACO in the discontinued Next Generation ACO model.

Other Trinity Health ACOs in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York also contributed to successful outcomes for the organization overall. Together with Trinity Health Integrated Care, they demonstrated an average quality score of 86% and helped Trinity Health receive $22M of the $34M in total savings earned for Medicare.

“Better, more cost-effective care for the patients, families and communities we serve is a high priority for Trinity Health, especially in 2021, a year in which providers were still actively responding to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Emily Brower, senior vice president, clinical integration and physician services for Trinity Health. "Trinity Health was able to effectively demonstrate, for the seventh year in a row, how advanced accountable care models can help improve outcomes for the people we care for.”

ACOs accept accountability for the quality, cost, and experience of care of an assigned Medicare beneficiary population. ACOs are expected to provide beneficiaries with high-quality, coordinated care, which includes getting them appropriate care when they need it, increasing preventive care, avoiding unnecessary service duplication, and preventing medical errors.

“We at Trinity Health are so proud of our highly successful accountable care models because of what it means for our patients,” said Dan Roth, M.D., executive vice president and chief clinical officer for Trinity Health. “We are inspired by our care teams, including primary care providers, care coordinators, community health workers, nurses and pharmacists. They come together to focus on people’s individual health needs and make it easier for them to achieve their health goals. Their outstanding work also makes care more affordable and helps to improve overall quality.”

In 2021, Trinity Health’s MSSP ACOs ranged from upside-only Track 1 to enhanced two-sided financial risk arrangements representing the most significant risk in MSSP tracks. This means, from one year to the next, and depending on performance, Trinity Health MSSP ACOs either share in savings or are required to share in Medicare losses and repay a portion to Medicare.

Trinity Health welcomed MercyOne to the health system as of September 1, 2022. MercyOne ACOs care for more than 80,000 additional Medicare beneficiaries.

Trinity Health is one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation, serving diverse communities that include more than 30 million people across 25 states. Our people-centered health system puts the people we serve at the center of every behavior, action, and decision. This brings to life our commitment to being a compassionate, transforming, and healing presence in our communities. We have 35 teaching hospitals with graduate medical education (GME) programs providing training for more than 2,000 residents and fellows in 184 specialty and subspecialty programs and have more than 23,000 physicians and advanced practice professionals committed to 17 Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) that are accountable for approximately 2 million people across the country through alternative payment models across all populations.
